Major course-related work that I've tackled at Olin.
Portabraille: Principles of Engineering (POE), Fall 2019
The Portabraille is a portable, cheap and user-friendly braille printer designed with the visually impaired in mind. This project was the core project of POE, where teams of 4-5 students are tasked with creating something, over the course of eight weeks, that has a nontrivial mechanical, electrical, and software component. I worked on a team with four other amazing students, and we not only were able to satisfy these requirements, but we were also able to create a finished, functional product that had real user impact.
I contributed to the electrical design and integration, including the design and population of the custom printed circuit board (PCB) used to power and control the many motors and sensors on the printer.
You can find more information on the Portabraille here.

Just Dance Score Predictor: Quantitative Engineering Analysis (QEA) II, Fall 2019
For the final project in QEA, I worked with a partner to analyze accelerometer data collected by a person playing Just Dance to predict how successful they would be playing the game.
We used MATLAB to collect accelerometer data and to apply signal processing techniques, as well as a simple linear regression model, to predict a player's performance.
You can see our final deliverable here.
Candidates Weekend Guide: Software Design, Spring 2019
The Candidates' Weekend Guide was designed to be an electronic replacement for all the information Candidates need when they attend Olin's Candidate's Weekend. I worked on a team with two other women and we designed alongside staff from the Office of Admission and Financial Aid to optimize the experience for them.
The Guide was created with a Python backend (Flask) and the front-end utilized HTML and CSS. The app was deployed on Heroku.
You can find more information on the Candidates' Weekend Guide here.